To admit that male strength has begun to weaken is a feat for a man. Most often, representatives of the stronger sex hide their weakness, try to correct the situation with medication or dietary supplements. But there are many opportunities to ensure continued potency without medication. Let us understand how to improve power using popular and alternative methods, how to quickly return power to men of a younger and more mature age.
How to improve power with folk remedies?

Honey is considered to be the best option; to improve strength, you can not find more affordable and tasty remedies. You can eat the treatment yourself or make a medicinal composition:
- 1 tbsp. Mix honey with peeled walnuts, peanuts or hazelnuts. There is a mixture of 1 tbsp. before going to bed every day.
- In equal parts, mix freshly squeezed carrot juice and honey, take 0. 3 tbsp. during the day at any time. The total volume of drinks per day is 1 tbsp.
- Chop 2-3 heads of garlic, mix with 1 tbsp. honey, take 0, 5 tsp. twice a day at any time.
Recipes for homemade tinctures to restore a collection are as simple as they are effective:
- Buy ginseng root concentrate (sold in alcoholic solution) at the pharmacy, take 1 drop, dissolved in 0. 3 tbsp. water every morning, increasing the number of drops by +1 every day. Reach 10 points and reduce mode intake: -1 drop per day. Continue the course as prevention of erectile dysfunction at intervals of 10-14 days.
- Grind fresh ginger root (400 gr. ), Pour in 1 liter. vodka without additives and insist in a glass bottle in a dark place at room temperature for 14 days. Take 20 gr. from morning to morning, drinking plenty of water. The course of treatment is 30 days.
- At the time of flowering lilac, collect flowers in quantities of 2 tbsp. ldhe make them 2 tbsp. boiling water. Leave the soup for 30 minutes, drain and take the whole dose in equal parts per day. The course of treatment is 5 days, then a break of 15 days. Dried lilac flowers can be used.
Restoring potency in men whose work is stress-related is a difficult business. But even here there is a way out - spicy tea will help get rid of many problems. Spices: add dried ginger, ground cloves, ground saffron a small pinch to a cup of black tea, create in the usual way and drink no more than 2-3 glasses of aromatic medicine a day. Such a drug perfectly supports the work of the nervous system, cleanses the body of toxins, normalizes blood circulation to the pelvic organs and is the best prevention of early impotence.
Important!Adding ginger to prescriptions is contraindicated for patients with gastric bleeding, gastritis, stomach ulcers.

This is a treatment with medicinal herbs and fees that are sold in pharmacies. Some preparations are already compressed and look like a tongue pill, and many herbs have to be prepared yourself. Here are the most popular herbal remedies that help improve potency in a short time:
- Ginkgo biloba extract.Useful characteristics: oxygen saturation of the blood, increased blood flow to the genitals, aphrodisiac properties that increase strength.
- Celery, parsley- they can be eaten fresh and added to any cooking. If the herbs are fresh, you do not need to cook, but hot dishes should be seasoned with dried herbs 2-3 minutes before serving. Consume daily. Useful features: saturation of the body with trace elements and minerals that increase testosterone production, elimination of toxins, enrichment of the blood with oxygen and improvement of blood flow to the pelvic organs.
- Horned goat herb(pharmacy extract) increases libido, sensory brightness and, with continuous use, improves sperm quality indicators, increasing the chances of conceiving a child. Receiving drops, in accordance with the instructions on the packaging, is indicated especially for elderly patients.
- Sally thrives- "male" plant that has a positive effect on the endocrine system. Positive features: starts the synthesis of its own testosterone, has a calming effect on the nervous system, reduces aggression, fatigue and increases blood circulation to the pelvic organs. Take as a decoction of the leaves, create according to the instructions on the package. If Ivan tea grows in the garden, then 2 tbsp. create fresh chopped leaves in 2 tbsp. boiling water, wrapped and let stand for 30 minutes. Strain the broth, take 0. 3 tbsp. three times daily before meals.
- Calamus rootwill help improve the quality and quantity of ejaculate. With continued long-term use, it is considered an effective tool to combat early andropause, age-related erectile dysfunction. You can chew dried roots, which smell good and help freshen the breath. Use a medicine without frills - large amounts of calamus root can cause severe vomiting.
- Hawthorn berries- not only a tasty medicine for patients with hypertension, but also a natural aphrodisiac. If 1 tbsp. lmanaferrat, pour 1. 5 liters of boiling water and simmer for 30-40 minutes on low heat, you get a compote that is able to restore strength even in advanced cases. The main thing is to adhere to the norm and drink no more than 50 ml at a time, no more than 3 times a day. When consumed in excess, hawthorn can cause bradycardia and greatly lower blood pressure.
Important!. . . Pharmacy hawthorn tincture and berry compost are different tools. Tincture will not help increase potency
Food treatment

Diet means a lot in maintaining a man's overall and sexual health. Do not rush to take pills and other pharmaceutical medicines. Just review your menu and include in your diet foods that can quickly increase strength. Here is a list of things to add to a man's diet:
- Seashells and mussels.The product increases the production of natural testosterone, enriches the body with essential fatty acids and prevents premature ejaculation. Contraindications: gastritis, diabetes.
- Salted fish (not fried):lead, mackerel is rich in phosphorus, zinc, omega-3 acids and is very good as a pre-action dinner.
- Boiled, boiled, steamed beetscontains a lot of zinc, increases libido, sexual function and prolongs sexual intercourse. Contraindications: hepatitis, diseases of the central nervous system.
- citronwith a high content of vitamin C, lutein increases libido, erection and significantly increases the elasticity of the penis.
- Camel's stomach- an exotic product, but extremely useful for men. Sychuzhina refers to immediate extenders - just take 2-3 grams. dried medicine and the effect will not be long in coming.
- Squid, lobster, shrimpimprove male strength, increase libido and positively affect the quality and quantity of sperm. Zinc and selenium in the composition of products increase testosterone production, which is manifested in the absence of premature ejaculation, prolonged sexual intercourse, brighter sensations.
- Partridge eggsin the amount of 2 pieces in the evening will help to give unforgettable pleasure to the partner, and the man will also get a lot of vivid emotions. Eggs can be eaten raw, steamed omelet and cooked in salads. The product contains a lot of phosphorus and amino acids that increase libido and eliminate unnecessary nervousness. If you need tips on how to restore an erection quickly, then you can not find a better tool for quail eggs.
- Bananas- a natural extender that improves reproductive function.
- Chocolate(natural, not less than 70% cocoa) in small quantities has a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the pelvic organs, increases the synthesis of natural testosterone.
- watermelonfights prostate cancer, dilates blood vessels, removes toxins and activates a range of amino acids in the body. Highly recommended for patients during andropause to increase strength.
- avocadonormalizes hormonal balance and high folic acid content ensures a very fast restoration of erection.
- Pomegranate seeds and juiceturn out effective after taking a week. Drink at least 200 ml of juice every day, in addition, it is a fruit for stopping malignant tumors in the prostate gland. The product dilates blood vessels, prevents thrombosis, increases blood circulation and is considered a natural prolonger of sexual intercourse.
- bilberryincreases libido and normalizes the blood supply to the pelvic organs, raspberries stimulate testosterone production and have a positive effect on reproductive function.
- Goby, rabbit, turkey, chickencontains the right amount of protein, which is necessary for the production of male hormone. Plus meat increases sexual desire and sexual arousal. The main thing is to serve the meat correctly: with a light side dish or as a standalone dish with a spicy sauce.
- Dried dates- This is a male product that helps to prolong the action, increasing the performance of the penis. The richest composition not only improves erectile function, but also normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, prevents prostate diseases, ensures good sperm quality, preserves sperm vitality and increases the chances of conceiving a child.
- Dairy productsstrengthen immunity, increase libido and saturate the body with calcium, iron, zinc, potassium and other beneficial trace elements. But you should eat foods with a fat content of 15-20%, less - the substances will not be absorbed, more - there is a risk of overweight.
- Figs and grapescontain a lot of magnesium, zinc, potassium. The products treat male infertility, are considered natural aphrodisiacs and are able to restore erection during early andropause.
- White cabbage, onion, garlic, tomatonormalize hormonal levels, increase libido and are good for maintaining a consistently high potency. It can be eaten raw, boiled, roasted and boiled.

Products that cause a power upgrade are listed, but what should be discarded if the question is how to restore power:
- Smoked meats, alcohol - contribute to the conversion of testosterone into a female hormone, increase the risk of overweight.
- Sugar, salt - the aroma content in dishes should be reduced by replacing them with natural herbs: turmeric, cumin, vanilla, cinnamon.
- Soda, energy drinks, fast food, soy - contain a minimum of useful and maximum harmful substances that provoke an increase in the production of female hormone and a decrease in testosterone synthesis.
- Spicy, fatty, fried foods, high-fat foods (mayonnaise, sauces, sprats) practically kill lust, provoke the development of prostate pathologies and quickly lead to a decrease in erection.
- Sweets, white bread, fried pies are fast carbohydrates that should be minimized or completely eliminated from the diet. There is no benefit to the products other than the taste, but the harm is great.
Improving reproductive function and potency in men is a long process. You should not think that a week diet will help to completely restore an erection and get rid of negative symptoms. But if you do not abandon the diet, keep it for at least a few months, the effectiveness will be very noticeable.
Water procedures

Is it possible to restore male potency with water treatments? Of course, this is a fairly well-known and old-fashioned way that any man can practice. A variety of techniques allow you to choose a method to restore erection and as a prophylaxis to maintain strength for a long time. Here are some options on how to improve potency in men:
- Pour hot water into one pond, and fresh water into the other. Sit on each for 15-20 seconds, for a total of 20 minutes. Baths should be continued for 14 days; as a preventative measure, repeat the treatment after 3 months. There are no contraindications.
- Cut into 3 liters of boiling water 50 gr. dried chamomile flowers, drain the infusion after 30 minutes and pour into the bath. Wash for 30 days in the evening for 30 minutes. A laurel leaf bath is also being prepared, you can alternate with chamomile infusion every other day - the effect is clear and fast. Baths soothe, normalize blood circulation to the pelvic organs, restoring strength. You should not sit in a warm bath for more than half an hour.
- A pine bath is a recipe for male youth for many years. Take dried pine cones (10-12 pcs. ) And about 100-150 gr. pine needles (you can remove a bath broom). Pour the raw materials with water so that it covers the composition and boils. Turn down the heat, simmer for another 30 minutes, wrap and let stand overnight. Drain the concentrate, dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 2, try a drop on the inside of the elbow and, if there is no irritation, pour half of the solution into a warm water bath. The other half can be used the next day. Take coniferous baths in the evening for 2 days, then a break for 3-5 days and you can do the procedure again. The benefits of the infusion are great: normalize blood circulation, increase immunity, eliminate skin rashes, calm nerves, phytoncides will help remove inflammatory processes not only in the genitourinary system, but also the symptoms of acute respiratory infections.
Important!Baths should not be made for people with allergies, internal organ bleeding, oncology and systemic diseases. Before starting therapy, you should consult your doctor.
Physical exercises

Thinking about how to get an erection back, do not forget about physical activity. Moderation and system are basic requirements for those who care about men's health. We offer some of the most effective methods for restoring erectile function:
- The muscles of the organ and prostate are trained as follows: place your fingers in the area between the anus and the beginning of testicular growth. Tighten the area with muscle effort (fingers are needed to feel the muscle itself). Do 10 tense approaches for at least 3 seconds and follow the relaxation. Once it starts working, increase the tension time to 10 seconds, then relax again.
- Rotate and "eight" from the pelvis in different directions. Such movements are also present in jedi yoga, they are called "victory dance". The movements stimulate and normalize blood circulation in the pelvic area. You need to twist exactly the upper thighs and as intensely as possible, in different planes.
- Walking on the buttocks is a cool technique recommended by urologists. Sit on the donkey, stretch your legs forward, arms can bend at the elbows and "walk" back and forth on the buttocks 2-3 meters. Such gymnastics pumps men's health no worse than hormone therapy.
- Raise and lower your buttocks while lying on your back. The higher the rise amplitude, the better the result.
- Bicycle lying on your back. The movements are familiar to everyone since childhood - you have to lie on your back and turn the pedals of an imaginary bicycle at your own pace.
In addition to the above physical exercises, measured walking has a very good effect on potency. While walking, the man does not hold the testicles and genitals pressed to the groin, so the measured oscillation of the organs triggers the blood supply processes. And this brings to work testosterone synthesis, metabolic processes and more quickly stabilizes the hormonal background. The main thing is to choose good underwear so as not to impede your movements, as well as choose the right pace. The result of systematic exercises, diets and water procedures will not keep you waiting.